Book Riyadh to Abha Flights <Test>

Book Riyadh to Abha Flights <Test>

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Riyadh to Abha Flight Schedule <Test>

6:10 AMRUH

المدة الزمنية 1h 40m

7:50 AMAHB

5:55 AMRUH

المدة الزمنية 1h 40m

7:35 AMAHB

6:20 AMRUH

المدة الزمنية 1h 40m

8:00 AMAHB

5:00 AMRUH

المدة الزمنية 1h 40m

6:40 AMAHB

2:40 PMRUH

المدة الزمنية 1h 40m

4:20 PMAHB

11:00 AMRUH

المدة الزمنية 1h 40m

12:40 PMAHB

8:10 PMRUH

المدة الزمنية 1h 40m

9:50 PMAHB

1:25 PMRUH

المدة الزمنية 1h 40m

3:05 PMAHB

6:50 PMRUH

المدة الزمنية 1h 40m

8:30 PMAHB

11:35 AMRUH

المدة الزمنية 1h 45m

1:20 PMAHB

Airfare from Riyadh to Abha

Estimated Flights Prices from Riyadh to Abha

Riyadh to Abha cheapest fare

This week cheapest price277 SAR
Next 7 days cheapest price277 SAR
Next 15 days cheapest price269 SAR
Next 30 days cheapest price72 SAR

Best time to Book Flights to Abha

Low Season


High Season


Average price over the last year

% expected price decrease


Average price over the last year

% expected price increase


Cheapest Day to Fly


Expensive Day to Fly


Average price over the last two weeks

Average Price on Cheapest Day

427.69 SAR

Average price over the last two weeks

Average Price on Expensive Day

476.46 SAR

Monthly Average Fare Of Flights From Riyadh To Abha


Average Flight Fare From Riyadh To Abha per Day


Price trend for flights from Riyadh to Abha

Best Price/Day

Quick Comparison Between Riyadh & Abha

Local Time


01:56 AM


01:56 AM


Saudi Arabia Kingdom


Saudi Arabia Kingdom


FoodBased on Affordable Restaurant


25 SAR


19 SAR

Public TransportOne-way Ticket


3.15 SAR


10 SAR

Average temperature





Weather in Riyadh for the next 7 days

Sun 35°C Mon 35°C Tue 35°C Wed 35°C Thu 34°C Fri 34°C Sat 34°C

Weather in Abha for the next 7 days

Sun 23°C Mon 22°C Tue 22°C Wed 21°C Thu 20°C Fri 21°C Sat 20°C

Riyadh to Abha Trip Guide

Riyadh to Abha Flight Information

Riyadh to Abha flight time

01h 35m

Flight Route Distance

856 km

Origin Airport

  King Khalid International Airport (RUH)

Destination Airport 

  Abha International Airport (AHB)

Direct flights from Riyadh to Abha

Saudia (130 kg CO2), flynas (112 kg CO2)

Flights from Riyadh to Abha per week

70 Flights 

Airport Details/Information

Origin airport facilities 

King Khalid International Airport


Destination airport facilities 

Abha International Airport


  • A Mosque
  • Inter-terminal transportation
  • VIP services and lounges 
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Car rental counters
  • Shops
  • Wi-Fi
  • lounge
  • Car hire service
  • Cafeteria

flight ticket price from Riyadh to Abha are applicable to change according to the travel date.

Catch the cheapest Riyadh Abha flights with Almosafer

Almosafer offers the cheapest flight prices from Riyadh to Abha. You can also use Almosafer's price filter, sort your results by price, and fly on a weekday or early in the morning/late at night to get the cheapest flight. 

To catch the best flight deals from Riyadh to Abha, be flexible with your travel dates, book in advance, and consider flying with a budget airline.

Check out the following tips on Riyadh Abha flights:

  1. Book your ticket in advance.
  2. Choose transit flights when applicable.
  3. Pick from with budget airlines. 
  4. Download Almosafer app on App Store, Google Play, or Huawei App Gallery for exclusively lower prices on flights, hotel deals, and travel packages.

Baggage guides of popular airlines RUH to AHB

Book Your Flight & Discover Almosafer's Best Flight Deals:

fly from Riyadh to Abha at the best prices. Saudi Arabian Airlines offers this trip for about SAR 311 while you get to enjoy the movies and internet services. The cheaper options are flynas or flyadeal, starting from SAR 342.

Abha… The Queen of Saudi cities

Abha is considered a magnificent mountain retreat and holiday spot for people from Saudi Arabia and the other Arabian Gulf countries. It is blessed with spectacular mountain scenery, a cool climate, fertile soil, and moderate rainfall. Travellers can spend their time moving between mountain parks amidst a hospitable Arab atmosphere. At the end of the day, they will feel the luxury in Abha’s 5-star hotels, furnished tourist villas, or modern motels.

Exciting Places to Visit in Abha

  • Shada Palace: It was built in 1927 and was originally the headquarters of the Emira of Asir Province. It is a brilliant example of the traditional architecture of south Arabia. Currently, it is a museum showcasing old planting and household tools, coins, several manuscripts, and photographs.
  • Habala Hanging Village: As the name suggests, the Hanging Village used to be only accessible by climbing ropes. It is much simpler now with the cable car connection.
  • Jabal Sawda or Black Mountain: The highest peak in Saudi Arabia, which stands 3.3km high. The origin of Black Mountain's name is a mystery, but locals believe it relates to the dark Araar trees that grow all over the mountain and the dark clouds that appear above it.
  • Aseer National Park: It’s a peaceful spot to enjoy bird watching, hiking, mountain climbing, and picnics, among other activities.
  • Abha Dam: It’s a 300-meter dam overlooking a one-kilometre-long lake and splendid landscapes. The view will blow up your mind with the blue lake contrasting with the city and the green vegetation of the area.

Transportation in Abha 

After you arrive in Abha, it’s recommended to rent a car so you can move freely. Explore Almosafer car options and pre-book so you get the perfect car at the best price. 

Almosafer's Top Picks for you!


 Most Asked Questions About Riyadh to Abha Flights 

What are the cheap flights from Riyadh to Abha?

The cheapest flights from Riyadh to Abha are currently available with Flyadeal, starting at SAR 270. Other budget airlines, such as Flynas, also offer flights on this route for around SAR 399.

What is the best Riyadh to Abha flight ticket price?

The best Riyadh to Abha flight ticket price is the one that meets your needs and budget. Budget airlines like Flyadeal and Flynas offer the cheapest flights, while full-service airlines like Saudi Arabia Airlines offer a more comfortable experience.

How to book cheap flight tickets from Riyadh to Abha?

Find cheap flights on the RUH - AHB route. Select your travel dates. Use the filtering options on the results page “Cheapest” to find the best match for your needs.

How to find the best flight deals from Riyadh to Abha?

Here are a few tips to check the best flight deals from Riyadh to Abha:

  • Keep your travel dates flexible. Book on weekdays or during the off-season to get the best deals.
  • Consider choosing budget airlines. It offers lower fares with fewer amenities and baggage restrictions.
  • Book your flights in advance. The earlier you book, the more likely you are to get a good deal.
  • Subscribe for Almosafer's email newsletter to be notified about special offers and discounts.

What are the best airlines to fly from Riyadh to Abha? 

The best airlines to fly from Riyadh to Abha are:

These airlines offer the most direct flights, the most convenient schedules, and the best overall value. They are also all highly rated by passengers for safety, and comfort.

How long is the flight from Riyadh to Abha? 

The average flight duration from Riyadh to Abha is 1h 40m.

What is the flight schedule from Riyadh to Abha?

The flight schedule from Riyadh to Abha varies depending on the airline. However, there are several direct flights available daily on Almosafer website and app.

How much is the flight ticket price from Riyadh to Abha?

The flight ticket price from Riyadh to Abha varies depending on the airline, time travel, and travel class. However, you can expect to pay between SAR 259 and SAR 530 for a one-way ticket.


Disclaimer: All fares are subject to availability at the time of booking.


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